From deadlifts, presses clean and jerks the MX80 variable weight system combines a range of fixed bar options in one compact, heavy-duty weight lifting package. Replacing 26 fixed weight bars or 1140 lbs (517 kg), this industry-first adjustable barbell and EZ curl rack is designed for compact spaces and allows for seamless weight transition between reps.
Perfect balance - length of weight shortens evenly each side, as less weight is selected Quiet smooth operation - changing weight does not involve handling the weight No protruding knobs or ends - selector dials recess into collars after weight selection Unique rack and pinion design - securely locks weight plates into an immovable position Exceptional value - price per pound is close to the average for most models Great for group training - the compact system allows for multiple sets in one room Patented design - U.S. Patent No. 10/166,427To learn more about this product, check out this DATA SHEET!