The Stages Solo Indoor Cycle is designed specifically for the rider who wants to experience the engaging group cycling environment in their own personal space.
Stages goal with the Solo Indoor Cycle is to make the very best performance based cycling experience available to people of all levels.
The Solo console uses game theory to visualise and add a level of engagement and wonder to your workouts.
Stages Coach
The Stages Coach plans are all about the intensity profile and measurable progress. These plans are crafted with progress and performance in mind. Expect repeated blocks of intensities that are sure to 'raise the roof' of your Cardiovascular fitness. All Stages Approved Coach Plans carefully consider work to recovery ratios and getting maximal improvement for your time.
Stages MIX
Stages Mix plans are built around visual and audio artistry that will truly allow you to get fully immersed in the ride experience. The class experience is designed to attack targeted power zones like never before with the added motivation of a full tilt experience. The Experience is the main driver to immerse the rider but to still deliver real results.
The magnetic brake arm and CarbonGlyde drive system are maintenance-free. Stages Power auto zero resets to ensure the most accurate power data. The Solo software auto-updates and new rides are delivered wirelessly during evening hours. Entertainment and ride content is stored locally, so there are no large bandwidth requirements. SUBSCRIPTION INCLUSIONS: ? Ride profile and video content are added to regularly with an up to date subscription. Updates occur wirelessly, over the air during non-business hours. Rider compatibility with the Stages Flight ecosystem. Registered riders can upload workouts to free Stages Flight accounts, viewing Solo, Flight and Flight mobile workouts all in one place to track data over time. Unlimited Stages Flight accounts for all riders.To learn more about this product, check out this DATA SHEET!